Wings and SillyPopSoda's blog!!!
Hope you all like!!!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Some amazing pics!!!!!
The writing in the top left hand corner of the pic says:
Singing for Death and your call is answered, But you would wonder how long it will take. He has control now, not you; As you writh and burn as you bake
oh yeah.. i tried to write another chapter on Word cause i was gonna post it but someones locked the word on my laptop! the stary is on my sisters but that laptop isn't working at the moment anyway when i tried typing in word i found out it was locked! :( so i can't type any atm...
Oh!!!!!! I ordered Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's probably avriving this Thursday! Which is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!! Oh and i'm getting 2 other books as well!!!! Why couldn't it be thursday at the end of the school time?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
SillyPopSoda-, *i'm completely bonkers, *i have a fascination with vampires!, * I'm 14, *i love my cat Snowy, * i have brown hair with blue highlights and brownish-hazel eyes!
Wings-,i'm 17 I like to listen to music and think about how to save the earth or other stuff but mostly i just like to be some where quiet with a nice view, listen to music and think or draw something.
i'm not the crying sort..
i love animals but am not a vegaterian.
I'm not christian!
Wow, some of those are really nice. The vampire teeth were amusing too, as were the eyes :)
I love them ALL!!!!!!!!!!
pleased to meet you
and thx
Glad you love 'em all!!
loads of hugs!
how's life with you atm?
sorry blabing on and on....
oh yeah..
i tried to write another chapter on Word cause i was gonna post it but someones locked the word on my laptop!
the stary is on my sisters but that laptop isn't working at the moment anyway when i tried typing in word i found out it was locked!
so i can't type any atm...
I DO!!
Fine, dramatic, but fine.
Dang it! I want to read more of that!
Hopefully you can get to it soon!
i'm ok
I ordered Eclipse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's probably avriving this Thursday! Which is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait!!
Oh and i'm getting 2 other books as well!!!!
Why couldn't it be thursday at the end of the school time?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
hi Wings
lovin the post
cant wait for ur new chapter to come through!!!
my guinea pig Gave birth!!!!
Ink now i can see y u love Jacob Black!!!!!!!!!
SillyPopSoda! x
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