Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves - these distinguish it from a horse. Marianna Mayer: "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison."
Fairies are generally portrayed as human in appearance and as having supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells and to influence or foresee the future. Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, females of small stature, they originally were depicted much differently: tall, radiant, angelic beings or short, wizened trolls being some of the commonly mentioned. Diminutive fairies of one kind or another have been recorded for centuries, but occur alongside the human-sized beings; these have been depicted as ranging in size from very tiny up to the size of a human child. Even with these small fairies, however, their small size may be magically assumed rather than constant. Wings, while common in Victorian artwork of fairies, are very rare in the folklore; even very small fairies flew with magic, sometimes flying on ragwort stems or the backs of birds.
The writing in the top left hand corner of the pic says:
Singing for Death and your call is answered, But you would wonder how long it will take. He has control now, not you; As you writh and burn as you bake
SillyPopSoda-, *i'm completely bonkers, *i have a fascination with vampires!, * I'm 14, *i love my cat Snowy, * i have brown hair with blue highlights and brownish-hazel eyes!
Wings-,i'm 17 I like to listen to music and think about how to save the earth or other stuff but mostly i just like to be some where quiet with a nice view, listen to music and think or draw something.
i'm not the crying sort..
i love animals but am not a vegaterian.
I'm not christian!